Turnkey Project Solution

Turnkey Project Solution

A turnkey project solution is that kind of a solution that can be effortlessly deployed into a present system, business or a process by a third-party member. This solution can be used after it gets implemented and installed, the same as that of a billing system or a training program. A turnkey project solution eliminates the burden and headaches of setting up your own solution. So simply a turnkey project solution is a contract under which a resistant accepts to construct and design a business or a service facility for turning it over to the buyer when it is fully ready to work.

The Process Of The Turnkey Project Solution

  • Initially, the contractor pulls a tender for his project and searches for a candidate who is eligible to handle his requirements and the one who is best in the field.
  • Initially, the contractor pulls a tender for his project and searches for a candidate who is eligible to handle his requirements and the one who is best in the field.
  • After the contractor has found the right person, the project gets started and the developer works on it until it gets executed.
  • The final stage is the delivery stage where the project is delivered by the developer to the contractor after it's fully done and starts functioning.

The Various Aspects Involved In The Turnkey Project Solution

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The initial values or variables are assigned by the contractor to the developer.

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The basic requirements are put into place and the planning of the project starts.

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Planning gets followed by layout planning where the abstract of a layout gets finalized.

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The project must be executed according to the budget that the contractor has decided on.

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Resources must be well organized and managed as per the availability and essentiality.

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In this phase, the developer starts working on the requirements and developing of the product.

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In this stage, the project gets executed as per the requirements of the contractor.

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Project review

Review is the feedback that's given by the contractor after examining the final product.

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After all the changes are done, the developer submits the final product to the contractor or hand's it over to him.

Usage Of Turnkey Project Solutions

The term turnkey project solution is used for describing something that is available for immediate usages like supplying of products or goods. Everything that a customer has to do after receiving the key is to make it operate by turning on the ignition key. For example, when a developer constructs a building on his land with his own finances for the customer to move in, it is called as the customer's turnkey project solution.